St. Andrew's Church

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St Andrew's Hempstead - Church Records

Held at Essex Records Office on microfiche:-

Baptism Records
1693 to 1744 (1745 to 1749 are missing)
1750 to 1934

Marriage Records
1664 to 1748 (1749 to 1754 are missing)
1813 to 1979

Burial Records
1665 to 1872

Essex Records Office is in Wharf Road, Chelmsford, telephone 01245 244644 or Fax 01245 244655 or via the internet at http://www.essex.gov.uk/Libraries-Archives/Record-Office/Pages/Record-Office.aspx, then click on Enjoying Essex, then click on archives. It tells you to search the Parish Records and will then give you the above information. It also will tell you opening hours and how to visit and search the records. There is a facility for someone to search for you but there is a fee, at present £19.50 per hour.

Held at the St. Andrews Church:-

Baptism Records
1935 to date

Marriage Records
1980 to date

Burial Records
1873 to date

Can be examined in person or a search carried out for you, a fee will be payable. Contact Alan Weedon (Churchwarden) on 01799 599366 or Email alan@hempstead-essex.org.uk

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